5 Sales Triggers To Post On Stories

How to PREP Your Audience For Your Launch 

⁣ Listen here 👉🏻 prepping your audience for your launch is so important through your stories. ⁣ ⁣ Here are some certain triggers to get your audience HAWT & READY to buy 👇🏻⁣


⁣Trigger #1: Social Proof⁣ ⁣

There’s never TOO MUCH social proof. Posting it daily can be essential or up to 4x a week.

This makes your audience feel apart of your client experience + show them what’s possible with your offer.⁣ ⁣

Trigger #2: Community ⁣

This is great if you are going to launch group program, mastermind or membership.

Post on your stories about your retreat, group program clients, FB group, etc. ⁣ ⁣ Ex: after your group program call, take a photo and tag all your clients in the program!

⁣Trigger #3: Anticipation ⁣

If you aren’t teasing your offer, your audience will get product shock.

Do scroll throughs of your course, templates you’re working on, throw up some polls to get your audience excited. ⁣ ⁣

Trigger #4: Storytelling ⁣

Yep, you have heard it before. But storytelling is key. Make sure to pop on stories and talk about your past struggles, how you got over it & how your upcoming offer is going to help your customer GET a transformation.⁣ ⁣

Trigger #5: The Why

It’s so important to talk about your offer on stories before you launch. But get in touch with the WHY of the offer. Why does your audience need it? Why will it help them? Why do they need it NOW?!⁣ ⁣

But the #1 way to build your sales is TRUST. Trust comes with educating.

My favorite type of content to post on stories is Mini Trainings.

This builds credibility + LOTS of trust. 



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