Handling Objections In Your Content Online

sales May 05, 2020

Handling Objections BEFORE The Sales Convo 👇🏻


You may be like “but I have trouble handling objections ON the call”


We will get to that in another post BUT why not prime your audience BEFORE the sales conversation so your objection is already handled 🔥😉




You need to know your ideal customers top 3 objections & handle them in your content especially when you are in promo-mode.


Here are some ways to handle the objection before you even GET TO IT [if you even do]



You may have had the same or similar objection your ideal customer might have. So tell me, what is the story behind it? How did you get over the objection and take the leap? How did it make it feel? Where are you at now?


This could look like an investment story, fear-based story, the “waiting” game story + how did taking the leap change your life?


✅Call out their fears


Everyone has fear built up inside them but it’s your job to KNOW what fears your customer has and handle those fears in your copy.


“I know you are hesitant to invest because of ____________ but here’s whats going to happen to your business if you don’t take this step….”


✅Show what’s possible


Show your ideal customer what’s possible for them if they take the next step. Remember, consumers purchase from emotion so deep dive into the feeling of whats possible.


Types of feelings to hit emotionally:



🔥Personal Empowerment



So tell me, what is your #1 objection you get? 


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