How To Build Know, Like & Trust On Instagram Stories

instagram stories Jan 22, 2020

It’s important to utilize “know” “like” and “trust” in your content in instagram stories. Your audience will eventually get to know you, like you, and then trust to buy whatever you are offering.

I used to post everyday on my instagram feed, but I found out that engaging in my instagram stories worked out better for my business. I would recommend using video to show your true authentic self, because people connect with that more than just a picture. 


“Know Factor” -

Build your brand awareness so people know who you are. Post your daily agenda on your instagram and if you have a call with a client tag them. They will get to know you better by who your are working with and what you do.  

If post a picture of your coffee at Starbucks then tag Starbucks and let people know you’re at Starbucks.

Another way to use the know factor is to create a fun Canva Instagram story template. A good idea of this is to list five facts about you and then tag your friends and challenge them to do it too! People buy from people so it’s important to utilize personal stories about you! Talk about your business struggles and your why.

  • Why do you do what you do?
  • Why did you get into your business?


“Like Factor” 

Utilizing your story so people like you. Wether it’s posting a picture of pizza, ice cream, a glass of wine, or a cup of coffee it’s important to build that relatability with your audience. This is a fun factor and it’s important to post fun or weird things. It’s okay to post fun + unique things about you, because I promise you somebody will relate to it. I post about my morning cup of coffee, because it’s super relatable to the millions of daily coffee drinkers.

I also reintroduce myself at the beginning of every month for my new audience members on instagram stories. Again it’s important to mention the bad things that you are struggling with. Not everything is picture perfect and it’s important to show that you are just like any other human. 


“Trust Factor”  Use educational content, personal story telling, and client testimonials in your stories helps build trust with your audience and puts you in a position of authority. It takes time to build that trust and it’s not going to happen over night. Help solve problems and answer people’s questions by doing mini trainings on your Instagram stories. Have a call to action after your mini training on your Instagram story. You can do this by using Instagram polls at the end of the training.

Respond to the polls/questions and answer them, because others viewing your story might have wanted to ask the same question. This creates good engagement and conversation with your audience that you can use for your advantage. Finally, remember to talk about client transformations and your own transformation to help with the trust factor. 


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