Create A Strategy You Love

strategy Aug 03, 2020

Your Strategy Isn't Going To Work If You Hate It...⁣

Take these 3 scenarios:⁣ ⁣

1. Jessica just had an amazing launch of her program. She launched using a free challenge. ⁣ ⁣ You watched Jessica very closely. Comparison started kicking in and you run to your coach telling them that you "want" to launch using a free challenge. Your coach asks you, "Do you really want to launch using that method?" You say... "Not really. My gut tells me no but since Jessica did it, it must work for me right?"⁣ ⁣

2. Sarah shows up and posts all these amazing educational graphics on Instagram. ⁣ ⁣ You LOVE those graphics but they aren't YOU. You tell your graphic designer to make graphics like Sarah's because you hope they get you more engagement. You hate posting them and dread posting daily now because of it. But if it works for her, it must work for you right?⁣ ⁣

3. Linda has a crazy ass funnel. I mean it's epic. You start comparing and thinking if you "should" get a funnel, run ads, hire out, do all the things.⁣ ⁣

Comparison starts creeping in but the thought of that funnel makes you tired. It's not what you WANT RIGHT NOW but you do it anyway because if it works for Linda it's going to work for you right?⁣ ⁣

What is wrong with these 3 scenarios?⁣ ⁣

You are doing a "certain strategy" because only someone ELSE is doing it. ⁣ ⁣☹

Now its time for some Real Talk.  

Just because someone is doing this amazing strategy doesn't mean you actually want to do it.⁣ ⁣

You do YOU and what YOU want to do.⁣ ⁣ Strategy is FUN and not "hard" if you LOVE the strategy.⁣ ⁣ The only way to LOVE the strategy, is to create one that you love.⁣ ⁣

Here are some online "strategies" I personally don't do:⁣ ⁣

Outreach and Free Challenges ⁣

I don't do these strategies because they don't bring me joy & they don't make me excited.⁣ ⁣

Here are some questions to ask yourself when considering what launch strategy to use:

-What is currently making me excited?⁣

-What strategies can I back up in my business that feel GOOD?⁣

-Why am I feeling like I need to do Linda's strategy?⁣ ⁣


People come to work with me FOR STRUCTURE AND STRATEGY because my clients and I create MAGIC and strategies that FEEL GOOD TO THEM.

Not what they "think" they should do. They create strategy based on what they "want" to do and this is how they get real results.

 I created the Soulful Social course with this in mind: less cookie-cutter strategies and more of what feels right. 

If you're ready to build a business for you, and not for others--join today!







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